Canada’s DND Renews Major Contract with GlobVision for Space Situational Awareness
Originally released on May 1, 2023
GlobVision Inc. is pleased to announce that Canada’s Department of National Defence (DND) has renewed a multi-year contract to continue supplying SSAVision, an AI-enhanced Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution for detection, prediction and risk assessment of threats to space assets. Read more…
GlobVision lands 5-year contract with Transports Québec
Originally released on December 19, 2022
Earlier this year Transports Québec sought to acquire an efficient and effective electronic bridge monitoring software package for all of the Ministry’s structures established on Quebec territory.
GlobVision offered one of its flagship products “IntelliBRIDGE”, the only fully integrated data management, interpretation, bridge behaviour modelling and health analysis software on the market. Read more…
GlobVision Selected to Brief NATO on Leading Canadian Technology
Originally released on June 10, 2021
Recently, NATO sought proposals from industry for solutions related to applications that can improve or contribute to Space Situational Awareness for use by the NATO Space Center in Allied Air Command (AIRCOM).
GlobVision is pleased to announce that it has been selected and has been invited to present an advanced software platform called SCOP during the first-ever NATO Space Pitch Day on June 17th 2021. The presentation will be shared with more than 900 NATO participants. Among a great number of proposal submissions from all NATO member states, GlobVision has been one of only six companies to have been selected. Read more…
GlobVision Awarded Major Defence Contract for Space Situational Awareness (SSA)
Originally released on December 13, 2019
GlobVision Inc. has been awarded a contract to supply Canada’s Department of National Defence (DND) with SSAVision, an AI-enhanced Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution for detection, prediction and risk assessment of threats to space assets. SSAVision has been in development at GlobVision for more than five years and has been in continuous testing by DND for over two years. Read more…
Diagnostic, Prognostic, and Health Monitoring Solutions for Aircraft Flight Control System
Originally released on June 26, 2018
Under a multi-year contract from the Government of Quebec through the Consortium for Research and Innovation in Aerospace in Quebec (CRIAQ), GlobVision will develop state-of-the-art, novel Diagnostic, Prognostic, and Health Monitoring (DPHM) solutions for electrohydraulic actuators (EHA), electromechanical actuators (EMA), and sensors of aircraft Flight Control System (FCS) servo-actuation loops including primary flight control (Rudder, Aileron, Elevator), multi-function spoilers (MFS) and horizontal stabilizer trim (HST) system. Read more…
GlobVision Develops an Advanced TLE Trend Analytics Solution
Originally released on June 14, 2018
GlobVision has received a multi-year grant from Industrial Capacity Building Contribution program from the Canadian Space Agency to develop a TLE Trend Analytics solution that utilizes advanced artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and big data analytics (BDA) methodologies to automatically examine time series of Two-Line Elements (TLE) of 20,000+ resident space objects in the SSN (Space Surveillance Network) catalog and detect novel or anomalous trends in their orbital behaviour. It will also identify the root cause of the detected anomalies as either invalid TLE (due to erroneous satellite tracking data) or out-of-character space object behaviour. Read more…
Generic Constellation Mission Planning System (CMPS) for missions with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and/or Automatic Identification System (AIS) payloads
Originally released on April 14, 2017
Under a contract with Defence Research & Development Canada (DRDC), GlobVision is developing a generic Constellation Mission Planning System (CMPS) for missions with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and/or Automatic Identification System (AIS) payloads. CMPS can be customized (through its user interfaces) to support virtually any SAR and/or AIS constellation mission (as well as single-satellite missions) along with spacecraft constraints such as payloads (e.g. duty cycle), in-orbit resources (e.g. memory and power), ground resources (e.g. downlink data rate constraint), etc. Various users submit User Requests (URs) to CMPS that define Areas-Of-Interest (AOIs) or point targets (POIs) that they want to observe using the SAR and/or AIS payloads of the configured constellation (or single-satellite) mission. CMPS will then use advanced and innovative scheduling algorithms to automatically generate an optimized list of SAR imaging, data downlink, and AIS On/Off tasks that maximize the scientific return and accommodate as many URs as possible while ensuring that all the mission/spacecraft constraints are respected. Read more…
Major new feature for IntelliDAM and IntelliBRIDGE
Originally released on September 29, 2015
GlobVision is pleased to announce the capacity to use space-based Interferometic Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data as a standard feature in both the IntelliBRIDGE and IntelliDAM comprehensive Structural Health Monitoring software systems. Read more…
IntelliBRIDGE contract for the Champlain Bridge
Originally released on August 17, 2015
GlobVision is pleased to announce that exp, on behalf of The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated (JCCBI), has acquired IntelliBRIDGE, a unique and comprehensive data management, structural health monitoring, performance evaluation and safety analysis system for bridges. IntelliBRIDGE will be used to monitor the on-going health state of the Champlain Bridge. Read more…
GlobVision announces IntelliBRIDGE
Originally released on September 4, 2014
GlobVision is a specialized data sciences and software business with specific expertise in Intelligent Structural Health Monitoring and is the creator and supplier of IntelliBRIDGE, a comprehensive system for bridge safety data management, performance monitoring and analysis. IntelliBRIDGE was adapted from the highly successful IntelliDAM software system designed by GlobVision through extensive collaborations with BC Hydro and Hydro-Québec and is currently in use both in Canada and abroad. IntelliDAM is the tool of choice for 75% of the Scandinavian dam owner/operators. Read more…
GlobVision wins “triple crown” in Scandinavia
Originally released on March 4, 2014
GlobVision is pleased to announce that it has been selected to supply Statkraft Sverige AB with a comprehensive Dam Safety Management System known as IntelliDAMTM (Intelligent Data Analysis and Modeling). Statkraft joins existing clients in Sweden (E.ON Vattenkraft Sverige AB and Fortum) in the selection of IntelliDAM as the backbone of their Dam Safety programs. Read more…
GlobVision passes Final Acceptance Test (FAT) on Major Scandinavian Contract
Originally released on December 6, 2013
Following system configuration, installation, comprehensive testing, user training and the minor modifications required to delight the customer in every possible way, GlobVision is pleased to announce that it has passed the Final Acceptance Test for IntelliDAMTM (Intelligent Data Analysis and Modeling – a specialized software system developed by GlobVision to underpin the operational and engineering needs for advanced dam safety management and performance monitoring) for Power Division in Fortum. Read more…
GlobVision Makes Important Contributions to Canada’s NEOSSAT Satellite Mission
Originally released on PRWEB on March 11, 2013
GlobVision is providing the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) with RSS-GeMS (Real-time Spacecraft Simulator for the Generic Multi-mission Micro-satellite Bus), as well as the first instance of RSS-GeMS, which is an end-to-end simulator for the NEOSSat mission. The goal of the NEOSSat simulator is to behave as a ground-based software replica of the actual in-orbit NEOSSat. Therefore, GlobVision has designed and developed the NEOSSat simulator such that it can be commanded by NEOSSat users and operators in exactly the same way that they would be commanding the actual spacecraft. GlobVision built the NEOSSat simulator to run a copy of the actual spacecraft’s on-board flight software, including the Command & Data Handling (C&DH) and Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem (ADCS) algorithms. Moreover, the NEOSSat simulator has a two-way communication interface with ITOS (Integrated Test and Operations System) software used for spacecraft commanding and telemetry monitoring. This simulator will play a crucial role in testing NEOSSat’s behavior during critical and high-risk operational scenarios. Read more…
GlobVision Awarded Major Scandinavian Contract
Originally released on PRWEB on March 4, 2013
GlobVision has been awarded a contract to supply Fortum Generation AB, in Stockholm, Sweden, with IntelliDAM(TM) (Intelligent Data Analysis and Modeling), a specialized software system developed by GlobVision to underpin the operational and engineering needs for advanced dam safety management and performance monitoring. Read more…
Advanced Health Monitoring and Condition-Based Maintenance of Military Land Vehicles
Originally released on PRWEB on February 12, 2013
The increasingly technical complexity of military land vehicles requires more intelligent and autonomous capabilities and functionalities for health monitoring and condition-based maintenance (HM & CBM) of the vehicle’s critical systems including engines and drive-trains. CBM systems offer significant advantages over conventional failure-based and time-based maintenance planning, which tend to increase equipment down-time, reduce system lifespan and increase maintenance costs, particularly for mission and safety critical systems. Read more…