SSAVision is an integrated and automated “web-centric” information service providing Space Situational Awareness (SSA) and decision support capabilities to spacecraft operators for the protection of space assets. SSAVision acquires high-fidelity space-environment data and indices from international data sources, applies innovative state-of-the-art analysis algorithms to the data, and presents the results to spacecraft operators for optimized monitoring, informed decision making and the notification of environmental and conjunction risks. Through the constant monitoring and assessment of satellites, SSAVision helps to maintain and increase the safety of space assets to meet the stringent needs of the defence space community and ensure the availability and continuity of satellite services for commercial owners and operators.

The SSA data provided to users by SSAVision include planetary and localized (i.e. spacecraft-dependent) space weather data, conjunction assessment, probability of collision analysis, optimized collision avoidance planning, TLE trending, aggregated risk assessment, SAA traversal and object re-entry prediction. Operators can view both 2D and 3D animations of the configured spacecraft in real-time directly within SSAVision, and can change and customize the system’s configuration.

By leveraging advanced data mining and analytics, SSAVision provides a “one-stop-shop” for members of the space community to assess and monitor the risk levels posed to their space assets by the space environment and other space objects in an intuitive and optimized manner. SSAVision provides additional protection to military SIGINT assets as well as commercial satellites, and thus increases and optimizes the operational life of those assets and contributes to the sustainable use of outer space.